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1000+ Transfected Stable Cell Lines in Stock

Hysigen offers pre-prepared cell lines equipped with CRISPR-Cas9 technology, ensuring dependable, off-the-shelf knock-outs of single genes in biologically significant cell lines. These ready-to-go cell lines facilitate target validation, pathway exploration, and more, simplifying the investigation of your specific target.

Our diverse cell line portfolio encompasses widely utilized human cancer cell lines, such as HeLa and HEK293T, serving as positive controls for our convenient ready-to-go cell lines.

The readily available CRISPR knock-outs in commonly used cell lines are effortlessly accessible, providing a seamless purchasing experience akin to acquiring reagents.

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Address: 56 Sugar Creek Blvd Suite 375, Sugar Land, TX 77478


Telephone: 628-777-8169 (US)

Accelerate research, empower industry